The astronaut was impressed when photographing the Earth that looked great through the window of a spacecraft. "That's the best part of flying in space," said an astronaut. However, our earth looks very small when compared to the system of earth millions surya.Matahari can load in it and still have room left over! however, whether such fakta2 the universe has something to do with your life and its meaning?
Let us take a trip into space for a moment to look at the Earth and our sun in our wishful angan.Matahari only one of a large number of stars in the spiral arches of the Milky Way, (diameter of the Milky Way kira2 kuintilium kilometer --- kilometers! kira2 diameter of the Milky Way 100,000 light years, and the galaxy is made up of 100 billion stars more!), which is a small part of the universe.
With the naked eye, we can see some actual light beam is galaksi2, such as the Andromeda galaxy are much more beautiful and more besar.Bima Way, Andromeda, and kira2 20 other galaxies in the belt by gravity in a cluster, all of this is just a small neighborhood in a very besar.Jagat adigugusan contains so many adigugusan highway, and the picture does not end there.
Gugusan2 was scattered with irregular angkasa.Dalam in a large scale, they looked like a thin layer of tungsten wire around a huge void as gelembung.Bentuk several clusters so long and wide that resemble huge walls. This may surprise a lot of people who think that our universe created itself by chance in a cosmic explosion. "The more clearly we see the cosmos with all its incredible detail," concluded a senior writer for Scientific American, "The more it is hard to explain with a simple theory of how our universe to be like that"
Proof of evidence suggests that traffic has a finite beginning.
All the stars you can see, are in the Milky Sakti.Sampai the 1920's, the Milky Way is suspected of being the only galaksi.Namun, you probably know that observations with larger telescopes after it proved sebaliknya.Jagat our highways contain at least 50 billion galaxies. (... Yeah not a star) - a masing2 has billions of stars like our sun. Notwithstanding the scientific belief menggucangkan in 1920 - an amount which is not surprising from a besar.Yang galaksi2 surprising is the fact that all the galaxies are moving.
A galaxy
The astronomers discovered a remarkable fact: When the galaxy light through a prism, visible light waves stretch, indicating movement away from us at high speed. The more distant a galaxy, the faster it seems menjauh.Ini suggests that the universe extends!
Even though we are not a professional and amateur astronomers, we can see that the universe is expanding a supremely implications in the past. - And it could be our future juga.sesuatu must have started this process - a style which strong enough to conquer the incredible gravity of the whole universe raya.Anda have reason to ask, "What might be the source of such dynamic energy????
Although most scientists trace the beginning of the cosmos came to a very small and dense (a singularity), we can not avoid this major issue, "If at some time past, the universe formerly approach a single state is very small and very dense, we had to ask what was there before and what lies beyond the universe ...... we have to face the problem regarding a beginning. " said Sir Bernard Lovell.
This implies more than just an energy source besar.Prakiraan and intelligence is also needed because the rate of expansion looks set very carefully. "When the universe was expanding faster Kingdom sepersetriliun," said Lovell. "Then all the matter in the universe is in disarray right now ...... and if slower sepersentrilliun, then gravity would cause the universe to collapse in the first thousand million years or so of the eksistensinya.Lagi again, there will be no bintang2 lasting and there is no life.
Attempts to explain the very beginning
Can the experts now explain the origin of the universe? Many scientists, who find it difficult to accept the idea that the universe was created by a higher intelligence, speculated that through a mechanism, the universe created itself from ketiadaan.Apakah that sound reasonable to you? Such speculation usually include some variation of a theory (model inflationary universe theory) = {Theory inflation speculate as to what happened a fraction of a second after the beginning of the inflationary universe theory raya.Pembela believe that the universe in the beginning was submikroskopis and then berinflasi more faster than the speed of light, a statement which can not be tested in laboratorium.Teori inflation remains a debatable theory.}
, Compiled in 1979 by the physicist Alan Guth.Namun, not long ago, Dr.Guth admits that his theory: Did not explain how the universe emerged from nothing. "Dr. Andrei Linde more explicit in an article in scientific American," Explaining This initial singularity --- where and when it all happened ---- it is still the most modern cosmology problem unsolved. "
If the experts can not explain the origin benar2 or early development our universe, we should not seek explanations from other sources? Indeed, you have a good reason to consider some of the evidence that many people ignore, but which can give you a true understanding of this issue. The proof includes the EXACT size of the four fundamental forces that are responsible for any changes that affect the nature and zat.Baru heard mention of the fundamental forces, some people may have doubts, and thought, "That's solely for physicists." - - Tidak.Karena hamper our basic fakta2 is worth considering.
What are the four fundamental forces TSB:
1.Gravitasi-- a style which is very weak influence on atom2.Ini obyek2 large hamper - planets, stars, galaxies.
2.Elektromanetisme-towing-force main between protons and electrons, allowing terbentuknyamolekul.Kilat is one form of energy.
3.Gaya strong nuclear - force that holds protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
4.Gaya weak nuclear force - the force controls radioactive decay unsur2 terminuklir efficient and activities of the sun.
Setup is very thorough.
Four fundamental forces affect both the extent of the cosmos and the infinitely small ataom structure. Yes, everything we see around us are involved. Unsur2 very important for our lives (in particular carbon, oxygen, and iron) may not exist if no adjustments were so very careful examination of the four fundamental forces of the universe that is evident in this. We have mentioned one another GRAVITASI.Yang style is style ELEKTROMAGNETK. If this style, very weak, elektron2 not be tied around the atomic nucleus. Is it a serious problem? some people may be wondering, yes, because atom2 can not unite to form molekul2. Conversely, if the style is much more powerful, elektron2 be trapped in the nucleus of a chemical reaksi2 atom.Tidak can occur between atoms --- means no kehidupan.Bahkan from this perspective, it is clear that our existence and life adjustment depends on the accuracy of the electromagnetic force .
Then consider the cosmic scale: A small difference in the electromagnetic force will affect the sun and thus change the light to reach Earth, so that photosynthesis in plants is difficult or impossible terjadi.Perbedaan can also be stolen from the unique properties of water properties, which is important for kehidupan.Jadi once again, the precise adjustment of the electromagnetic force determines whether we exist or not.
Equally important is the intensity of the electromagnetic force in relation to the three styles lainnya.Misalnya, some physicists calculated that this force is 10 ^ 40 times gravitasi.Mungkin seem a very small change in the figure by adding one zero again, being 10 rank 41 times gravity. However, it means that gravity is proportionately weaker, and Dr.Reinhard Breuer commented on the resulting state, "With the lower gravity, bintang2 will become smaller, and the pressure of gravity will cause the temperature inside is not high enough for fusion reactions Nuclear: The sun will not shine. " You can imagine what this means to us!
How if gravity is stronger in proportion, so womanly figure above 10 ^ 39? "Just a little adjustment," Advanced Breuer, "a star like our Sun, will be drastically reduced life expectancy." And other scientists who carefully considers the setting is actually even more precisely.
in fact, two remarkable properties of our sun and the other is bintang2 efficiency and stability barjangka panjang.Pertimbangkan an illustration sederhana.Kita know that in order to run efficiently, an engine requires the right ratio between fuel and air, the design engineers mechanical and computer systems are complex to optimize kinerjanya.Jika to an engine only needs so, what bintang2 the "lit" as efficiently as the sun We? The main Gaya2 involved precisely tuned, optimized for accuracy kehidupan.Apakah it happen by chance??????
To Job, a man who lived in the past, asked questions, (Job 38:33) "Do you trigger a set hukum2 sky, or specify the nature hukum2 on Earth???
No man is doing, then, where are the origin of accuracy?????
The structure of the universe involves a lot more than setting up rigorous gravity and the electromagnetic force.
Two other physical style is also associated with life style kita.Dua operates within the nucleus, and both provide strong evidence that there is thought sebelumnya.Pertimbangkan STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE, which binds proton2 and neutron2 in the nucleus of an atom. Because of this bond, the various elements can be formed ---- light elements (such as helium and oxygen) and severe unsur2 (such as gold and lead). Seems that if the bond is only 2 percent weaker, hydrogen are terbentuk.Sebaliknya, if This force is stronger 2 percent, only heavier elements, but not hydrogen, which can be found. Are our lives will be affected? Well, if the universe lacks hydrogen, the sun we would not have the fuel needed to emit life-giving energy. And, of course, we will not have water or food, because hydrogen is an essential element for both.
The fourth style in this discussion, called WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE, radioaktif.Gaya damage control also affects the thermonuclear activity in the Sun, "Does this style carefully tuned???" You may bertanya.Freman Dyson a mathematician and expert physics, explains. "(Style) weak millions of times weaker than the nuclear force. Force is so weak that the solar hydrogen burning at a slow rate and fixed. If (force) the weak become stronger or weaker, many life forms that depend on bintang2 that as the sun will be in trouble. Yeah, exactly this level of combustion, making our earth stay warm - but not burning --- and keeps us alive.
In addition, scientists believe that the weak force was instrumental in ledakan2 supernova, which is done as a mechanism to generate and distribute most of the elements. "If the nuclear force were slightly different from the situation this sat, bintang2 can not make unsur2 that make you and me," explains the physicist John Polkinghorne. "
Many things can be pointed out again, but you will most likely have to understand intinya.Ada a rigorous level stunning setting for these four fundamental forces. All around us, it seems, we see evidence of that in this world everything is very precise, "wrote Davies Prof.Paul. Yeah, this fundamental adjustment gaya2 exactly has enabled the existence and workings of our sun, our beautiful planet with water that sustains life, our atmosphere which is so essential for life, and a wide range of valuable chemical unsur2 bumi.Namun, ask yourself, "Why and where exactly this setting?????
Cirie Cirie IDEAL Bumi
Keep us there, the precision required in other bidang2 juga.Pertimbangkan size of the Earth and its position in relation to the rest of our solar system.
The book of Job in the Bible contains Question2 makes us humble: "Where are you when I laid the foundations of the earth? ..... Who has established size? Would not you know it? (Job 38:4,5)
Never before Question2 is demanding answers. Why? Due to the amazing hal2 been found on the planet --- including the size and position in our solar system are very vital in life.
Elsewhere in the universe, there is no other planet like Earth. Indeed, some scientists point to an indirect bukti2 that certain bintang2 Meng has objek2 that their orbits are hundreds of times greater than bumi.Namun, our planet has a size that is appropriate for our existence. In what sense? If the earth were a little bigger, its gravity will be stronger, and hydrogen, a gas lighter, it will clump together, because they could not get away from Earth's gravity. Thus, the atmosphere would not be hospitable to life. On the other hand, if our world a little smaller, life-sustaining oxygen and water surface will disappear aka menguap.Kedua same circumstances, we can not live.
One other factor that is important for life to evolve is the earth is at an ideal distance from matahari.Astronom, John Barow and mathematician Frank Tipler study "Comparison of the radius and the distance of the earth from the sun". They concluded that human life would not exist "if the comparison is a little different than that observed".
Prof.David L.Block attention, "calculation shows that if the earth is only 5 percent closer to the sun, the greenhouse effect of uncontrolled (Earth gets too hot) has occurred kira2 4,000 million years ago. On the other hand, if put 1 percent of the earth farther from the sun, the process becomes uncontrolled ice (ice wide Lapisan2 cover most of the earth) is going to happen sekiitar 2000 million years ago ". OUR UNIVERSE: ACCIDENT OR DESIGN??
Besides accuracy above, you can add the fact that the Earth's rotation on its axis occurs once a day (24 hours), the right speed to produce mild temperatures. Venus rotates once for 243 days. Imagine if the Earth, too! We can not survive through extreme temperature generated by the long day and night like that.
Another important detail is to distribute the earth around matahari.Komet2 band follows an elliptical path lebar.Syukurlah, is not the case with almost rectangular lingkaran.Sekali bumi.Orbit earth again, this prevents extreme temperatures that we experienced off.
We also should not ignore our solar location. If our solar system closer to the center of the Milky hurt, gravity will distort the orbits of neighboring bintang2 bumi.Sebaliknya, if our solar system is located on the edge of our galaxy, the sky at night will almost without bintang.Cahaya star is not essential for life, but does not that add incredible beauty in our sky at night? And based on the latest concepts relating to the universe, scientists have calculated that the edge of the Milky Way, there will not be enough chemical elements needed to form a solar system like our
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